Blessed Thursday

AMOI Prayer
Daily Affirmations
Mud Puddles and Dandelions
Brandon Lunsford
Phenomenal Woman
The Negro Mother
Tidbits of Wisdom
Dance With My Father
Luther Vandross Page
Inspiration Blinkies
AMOI Dollhouse
AMOI Humor
AMOI Interactive Puzzle


The Color of Friendship
I am a young black woman who lives in a small
town.  the population of our area is equally divided
between black and white, though there is very little
interaction between us.
Some years ago, I was diagnosed with thyroid
cancer.  During that period in my life, I felt uncertain
and fearful about my health.  My family was very
supportive, but I needed a friend who could relate to
my situation.
A year later, a pleasant young white woman was
employed where I work.  Our spirits connected instantly.
Later I discovered she had breast cancer.  During  that
period in our lives, we prayed, laughed, and cried
Today, eight years later, we are both cancer free.  Just
as God bonded Jonathan and David from different
worlds, it was part of God's plan that this woman and I
be friends.  God understands all our needs, even the
need for a loving friend.
©2004 Sharon Ward